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How to Lose 2 Pounds a Week

You might wonder how to lose 2 pounds a week if you are obese. Firstly, you need to realize that it is not difficult to lose weight when you are healthy. Obesity is not an illness but a choice. When you eat more calories than you expend, you gain weight. Excess weight leads to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, unhealthy heart conditions and diabetes. Therefore, eating the right amount of food is the only way to avoid obesity. Losing weight is not a race; you cannot lose pounds overnight. The best thing about healthy weight loss is that it takes time. If you are really committed, the changes will come. In fact, the first step is to find out what your body type is and determine how you can change it. This can be done with the help of a doctor or nutritionist. If you want to lose 2 pounds a week, you need to set realistic goals and then keep to them. You cannot expect to lose a lot of weight overnight and see amazing results in the end. If you have reached your goal and the...

The Calorie Deficit Factor

There are a ton of ways to lose weight, but one diet that has helped people lose pounds and inches for generations is the no carb diet. This diet is so popular because it can help you lose weight without really having to change your lifestyle at all! By eating the right foods and cutting back on the amount of carbohydrates you eat you will be able to drop pounds and inches. To lose 2 pounds a week is doable when you stick to this diet plan.

lose 2 pounds a week

First off, your goal is to create a daily calorie deficit. To do this you need to count your calories every morning using the Nutrient Data Sheet provided by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Once your daily calorie deficit has been established, you need to calculate how many extra calories your body can burn off with exercise. By creating a calorie deficit you are telling your body that you have enough calories to keep yourself going without you having to go into starvation mode. Now that you have your daily calorie deficit established you need to make sure that you are meeting it.

You need to do some form of aerobic exercise every day to maintain your weight loss. Most people think that cardio only works for weight loss when you're trying to lose pounds, but aerobic exercise can help you lose both pounds and inches. You can use cardio for weight loss in the beginning stages by slowly increasing the intensity of your workouts. This will get you used to the exercises and will let you learn how to properly do them.

If you are starting out your diet plan with lots of fat cells then you will want to focus mainly on fat burning, not weight loss. To lose pounds and inches you need to get your calorie deficit on track and maintain it by eating plenty of healthy foods and consistently getting some cardio sessions in. In fact, this is the whole point of most BMR or basal metabolic rate calculators.

One of the best ways to burn off calories is to drink water. I'm not talking about diet water, I'm talking about the kind of water that will keep you hydrated. Most dieters don't drink enough water. When you have a liquid diet all you are doing is burning calories. The recommended amount of calories that you should be burning per day is around 1200 calories. If you are cutting these calories short by drinking less water then you won't be losing much fat.

You can't expect to lose weight quickly by doing what most people are doing. They are doing the opposite of what you should be doing. You can expect to lose weight if you put in the effort. If you don't put in the effort then you can't expect to see results. This is why having a motivation for your healthy weight loss plan is important.

If I'm able to get down to just twenty pounds per week then I'm satisfied. I know that I can stick to this goal because I would come back to lose more weight. If I were to lose twenty pounds per week then I would be on my way to healthy maintenance, which is much easier than maintenance. Maintaining involves eating smart and working out, so I would see results by staying within the parameters I set for myself.

The other factor that goes into setting up your healthy calorie deficit is what you are eating with that calorie deficit. Are you eating healthy foods that contain many calories? If you are then your calorie deficit will be too low and you won't be burning off as many calories as you should be. If you're not eating healthy foods then you are setting yourself up for failure. So be sure to eat healthy foods to lose 2 pounds a week.
